26 Feb. 2025, 13:00-15:00 Ambivalent landscapes and atmospheres of care Sustainable Seminar with talks by Siri Agnete Schwabe and Natalia Rodriguez Castañeda.
28 Feb. 2025, 9:00-9:45 Ph.d. til morgenmad: En kirke uden orgler? Folkekirkelige dilemmaer i klimamålenes tid Katinka Amalie Schyberg fortæller om sin afhandling ”Church and Climate Change in Counterpoint: An Ethnography of Environmental Engagements within the Danish People’s Church” skrevet ved IT-Universitetet i København.
5 Mar. 2025, 15:00-17:00 Ecocide in Ann Leckie’s “The Raven Tower” Work-in-progress seminar with Maria Damkjær (ENGEROM).
6 Mar. 2025, 14:00-17:30 Restoring Global Memories & Local Ecologies: Metallophyte plants and colonial history in DR Congo mining HUM:Global Talk! Exhibition and Talk.
10 Mar. 2025, 13:00-15:00 Interspecies communication: making sense of cows and other animals Sustainable Seminar with biologist Elodie Mandel-Briefer and artist Elina Birkehag.
13 Mar. 2025, 16:00-17:30 Transformative Talk: Consumer Empowerment Time: 13 Mar. 2025, 16:00-17:30 Place: Bülowsvej 17, A1-01.02 ">In this talk Arne Skov will explain how, by offering materials and know-how to help us repair our products, the Repair Cafés around Denmark seek to give…
3 Apr. 2025, 15:00-17:00 Milieu: A Creaturely Theory of the Contemporary Novel Talk by Elisha Cohn (Cornell University).
23 Apr. 2025, 13:00-15:00 The Political Conceptualization of Denmark as a Green Pioneer Country Sustainable Seminar: Historian and PhD student at the European University Institute, Victor Blum, will present his dissertation.
23 Apr. 2025, 15:00-17:00 Moby-Dick, the Ocean, and the Literary Origins of Silent Spring Talk by Michele Navakas (Miami University, Ohio/SDU Odense).
7 May 2025, 15:00-17:00 A Flood of Imitation: Intertextual aesthetics of ecological crisis in Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God Talk by George Wink (ENGEROM) and work-in-progress session by Martyn Bone (ENGEROM).